Friday, July 2, 2010

Are steroids better entertainment for baseball?

Ever since Major League Baseball became stricter on steroids, there has been a steady decline in home runs. This year's pitching has generally been much better. Pretty much 3 perfect games (sorry Galarraga) and a whole bunch of no hitters; there has never been more than 2 perfect games in a season. Are these pitching feats more exciting to watch than steroidal home runs? Or are people more apt to watch better hitting?


  1. I was thinking the same thing. I think steriods are a bad idea though, because it opens the door for lawsuits. It also creates a problem with precedent, as when the next drug comes out, you will have to make it legal.

  2. Oh yeah definitely steroids are bad for everyone, but I'm just wondering if people like better batting or better pitching you know?

  3. i am far from a big baseball fan but i would rather watch a huge homer, then sit for hours and not see a hit.

  4. only the last few innings of pitching is exciting

  5. I certainly like hitting better but i think it might turn into a soap opera rather than an athletic contest if everyone was like Barry Bonds

  6. i think that steroids are simply a way to cheat, and baseball players are heros to many young and old and everyone in between. no one wants to have a hero who cheats. as for which is more exciting, hitting or pitching, it's baseball either way. a true baseball fan will get excitement from either, no matter when in the game it is!
